


Fix Windows Privacy is a tool to disable privacy breaches on Windows 10. More information and an installer is available on the project's github page.

builtbybelprivatezilla: Performs a privacy & security check ...

Privatezilla integrates the most critical Windows 10 privacy settings and allows you to quickly perform a privacy check against these settings.

Download Fix Windows 10 Privacy

Fix Windows 10 Privacy can disable approximately 130 rules to protect your privacy. Fix Windows 10 Privacy starts as a blank screen.

Fix Windows 10 Privacy | mod%log

Fix Windows Privacy verbietet die automatische Speicherung von Anwendungsdaten wie Browser-Profilen in der Cloud und deaktiviert die OneDrive- ...

fix-windows-privacy by modzero

Fix Windows Privacy denies automatic storage of application data such as browser profiles in the OneDrive cloud and disables OneDrive integration on the Windows ...

Automatically fix Windows security issues

Follow these steps to automatically diagnose and repair Windows security problems by turning on UAC, DEP protection, Windows Firewall, and other Windows ...


The Win10PrivacyFix tool prevents, for example, the permanent activity of the microphone or the constant transmission of keyboard entries . Microsoft's data collection servers are blocked and critical services are simply deactivated.

What privacy enhancment scriptapp for Windows 10 is ...

I am looking for a script or application that enhance my privacy on my Windows 10 system. Years ago I have been using O&O Shut Up, ...

Privacy Repairer

Privacy Repairer is a tool for Windows 10 designed to protect your privacy. It comes with almost 60 options engineered to carefully modify your system.

Has anyone ever used Win10 PrivacyFix

These are the highlights of the software: 1) Foil Microsoft's attempts to gather your personal information 2) Optimizes Explorer and background services 3) ...